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  Akiyoshi Kamide
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Most Downloaded Software: MIDI Chord Helper
Most Famous Software: MIDI Chord Helper
Total Software Listed: 1
Website: http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~kamide/music/chordhelper/index_e.html
November Downloads:4

An interview with Akiyoshi Kamide

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Making original musical instrument with open source hardware (Arduino or compatible hardware)

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for MIDI Chord Helper? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Writing started in spring 2004, and released May 2004 on my homepage. Inspired by the Circle-of-fifths. No plan to develop new software now.

FW Editor: From your point of view, which is the strongest MIDI Chord Helper feature? Why?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Easy to play music with best-optimized arrangement of chord buttons

FW Editor: What new features should we expect in MIDI Chord Helper in the future? How do you plan to improve it?
Akiyoshi Kamide: I have no plan to improve this software, but I am improving my original handmade musical instrument hardware inspired by MIDI Chord Helper

FW Editor: MIDI Chord Helper is a great application and personally I love it. However, there are still many people who prefer to use similar software. What can you tell to convince them that MIDI Chord Helper is better?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Platform-free, because it's written in Java. You can play chord easily with minimal mouse-movement. It can search all possible chord diagram for guitar or ukulele.

FW Editor: How can you describe MIDI Chord Helper in one single word? Why?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Easy - Because you can sound the chord by 1-click

FW Editor: Is there any full customer support service for the MIDI Chord Helper clients? If not, do you plan to create one in the future?
Akiyoshi Kamide: It has no support service, because it's a free software created personally.

FW Editor: As a closure to our interview, is there any message you would like to send to the MIDI Chord Helper users?
Akiyoshi Kamide: Please enjoy playing and composing music with this software !

About this interview

MIDI Chord Helper 20091003.1
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MIDI Chord Helper

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