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  Alfredo Cubitos
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Most Downloaded Software: Wordpress-Banner
Most Famous Software: Wordpress-Banner
Total Software Listed: 1
Website: http://bibuweb.de
July Downloads:0

An interview with Alfredo Cubitos

FW Editor: Hello, what can you say our readers about yourself? How old are you? When did you start working as a developer?
Alfredo Cubitos: I'm a webdeveloper since the very first beginning of the internet. Do you know what cgi is? :-)

FW Editor: Why did you develop a plug-in of this kind? What determined you to do this?
Alfredo Cubitos: When I got in touch with Wordpress, I found out that its not only a good blogging software, its also a good cms. So decided to use Wordpress as CMS for my websites bilderbuchreisen.de and bibuweb.de. The only problem was, there was no plugin available that easily could handle advertisement banners. So I decided to write a plugin that fits my needs.

FW Editor: What can you tell us about the tool that automatically checks if you had put more than one image in the same spot?
Alfredo Cubitos: The plugin supports banner rotation and widgets.

FW Editor: Can you elaborate on the way that you can place an advertisement so every user can read your advices?
Alfredo Cubitos: The banner admin menu shows you every tag where you can place your ad to. You can append, prepend or place it after each tag shown in the drop down list. A simple preview shows you where the ad should appear relative to the chosen div. You can also adjust the horizontal position with a slider. Even easier is to use widgets for placing your ads. Mark you ad as a widget, then go to the widget menu and place the widget where you want. Open the widget menu and select your banner. That's it.

FW Editor: What can you tell us more about your work? Any plans for the near future?
Alfredo Cubitos: Far-sighted its planned a visual interface to place the advertisements. The plans for the next versions are: * to add javascript ads * a statistic tool * integration of some affiliate programs

FW Editor: Do you want to say something more to our readers? Some unknown things you want to tell us about?
Alfredo Cubitos: If you like this little piece of software and earning money with the help of this plugin, it would be nice you would support this project with a donation at bibuweb.de

About this interview

Wordpress-Banner 1.0.1
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