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  Andrea Dalle Vacche
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Most Downloaded Software: orabbix
Most Famous Software: orabbix
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Website: http://www.smartmarmot.com
October Downloads:3

An interview with Andrea Dalle Vacche

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: In the future I would like to get some interesting job offers. I started this project because I wanted to bring something new in the IT world and to show my skills.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Orabbix? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: I started writing Orabbix about 8 month ago when our primary monitoring system was changed in Zabbix. The primary trouble of the new monitoring system was that Zabbix lacks of a monitoring system able to keep under control Oracle. So my mission was to implement a good integration with Oracle and Zabbix. Now with Zabbix one can produce SLA'S and retrieve workload and find which "actor" is slowing the database. My goal is to make Orabbix more lightweight and scalable. Now Orabbix can scale very much: in the environment where is deployed I’m using a single installation to monitors more over 45 databases, without any sort of trouble. When the architecture of Orabbix will become mature I’m planning to bring it to all the databases so Orabbix and "sons" will be able to cover all databases scenarios.

FW Editor: Orabbix is one of the best applications of its type. What is the secret?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: Even though Orabbix is an open source accessible to everyone, it is a high quality product. In some aspects is even better than many of its commercial competitors. One can get it for free and can customize everything: Items, query, race condition . All that run on your database is completely under your control.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change Orabbix in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: Well, I'm currently working on some new features that will improve Orabbix and I’m dedicating a lot of time to it. Fortunately, the open source community gave me an hand to test and try all the new features.

FW Editor: Orabbix received numerous awards. Are you happy with how things progress with Orabbix?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: I am very happy with how things are going. Many people from all over the world install Orabbix every day and I’m constantly receiving a lot of feedbacks from the users. I’m glad to see peoples interest in this project which shows that the open source’s world has expected a program like this.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using Orabbix over any other similar product?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: As I already mentioned above, Orabbix is open source product. Still one can add custom queries and related items for each database which allows great flexibility. All acquired data is being saved and is available any time you need it. As far as I know, there are no similar products in the open source world.

FW Editor: Is there any customer support service for Orabbix users?
Andrea Dalle Vacche: Well, an official customer support service doesn’t exist yet. But I do my best to provide free support for Orabbix users being in touch with them. I reply all the e-mails I receive, as well as all the posts on Zabbix forum (where Orabbix has two official threads). Anyway, in the future I'm considering to create a paid ticket system that will allow to acquire tickets for new custom request.

FW Editor: Thank you for this interview. Orabbix is a great application and we love it. We are looking forward to see how things will evolve with Orabbix.
Andrea Dalle Vacche: Thank you too for this interview and for the possibility to let know my point of view to all your readers, that are a lot of people.

About this interview

orabbix 1.1.0 / 1.2.0 RC1
Oct Downloads: 2  Votes: 0 ↑
Orabbix - Andrea Dalle Vacche 1.2.0 RC 1 / 1.1.0
Oct Downloads: 1  Votes: 0 ↑

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