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  Armond Avanes
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Most Downloaded Software: aCar
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Website: http://www.zonewalker.com/
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An interview with Armond Avanes

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Armond Avanes: Concentrating more and more on aCar and further improving it along with adding some of the most frequently requested features.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for aCar? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Armond Avanes: As a car owner, I had the need for tracking the expenses, fuel mileage and maintenance of my car. When I first bought my HTC G1, back in the beginning of 2009, I did an extensive research among the then-available applications on Google Market and around the net. But I couldn’t find what I wanted. So being a java developer myself and already considering Android for development, I decided to start developing one such application in a way that I wanted. Currently I’m more focused on further optimizing aCar and adding new features to it. I’ve already got some ideas for my next application, but in short term you won’t see any other application from me. I’m still not a dedicated Android developer and can not afford developing another application while I see aCar just in the beginning of a long (but bright) way.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve aCar in the future? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Armond Avanes: Yes, of course. Improvements will always be part of my plan. I’m in a tight relation with the community and the users of aCar and I always get feedback from them. I add any single feature or improvement request I get to my list and I prioritize them according to the votes I get (Of course I myself am one of the users and have my own feedback and vote as well). Then I come up with a detailed plan for the next version or two, containing the improvements, features and possible bug-fixes which will be included. My improvement list includes, but not limited to, capturing more information about the vehicles (e.g. Tank Size, Engine Size, Initial Price), statistics for every month and every season (for comparison purposes), business trip/mileage tracking, further enhancing the user interface and many more. But obviously not all of them could be implemented in one shot or in a near future.

FW Editor: Which is the strongest aCar advantage? What makes it so special?
Armond Avanes: I see the overall experience, feeling, and the user interface as the strongest advantage of aCar. Smooth integrity, among its features and different sections, is what makes aCar special. Of course that’s my personal opinion and other users might not agree with me.

FW Editor: How can you characterize aCar in just a few words? Why?
Armond Avanes: aCar is a feature rich application with smooth user interface to affectively track the expenses, fuel mileage and maintenance of your cars; along with many options to customize how it works. Because that’s what aCar has been designed for.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to the aCar users?
Armond Avanes: I would like to send them big THANKS for using aCar, and for their invaluable feedback and helps.

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