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  Award Software, Inc
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Most Downloaded Software: Award Keylogger
Most Famous Software: Award Keylogger
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An interview with Stevens

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Stevens: The Keylogger for MAC and Phone platform

FW Editor: What was the first application you created?
Stevens: Award Keylogger

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Award Keylogger? What inspired you the most?
Stevens: Two years ago. The Award Keylogger supports absolutely invisible mode, can records any thing on your computer, and ftp or email report to your Ftp server or Email server.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve Award Keylogger in any way or are you focused on developing new software?
Stevens: Yes, we plan to improve Award Keylogger in future.

FW Editor: Which is the most important Award Keylogger feature? But your favorite feature?
Stevens: 1. Run Award Keylogger as Windows service 2. Absolutely invisible mode 3. User friendly HTML file format for emailed logs 4. Send logs by Email or FTP

FW Editor: Award Keylogger has quite a strong competition but, so far, it succeeded in making a name for itself. What do you think about the huge success of Award Keylogger?
Stevens: It is very stable on all Windows platform, and it works well on Windows x64 platform. and the license of Award Keylogger is life-time, the users don't need to pay any fee for updates.

FW Editor: What are the main advantages of using Award Keylogger over any other similar product?
Stevens: 1. It is very stable for all versions. 2. It includes some advanced features than other similar product, like Proxy Server, Compress logs with password-protect.

FW Editor: Is there any message you would like to send to the Award Keylogger users?
Stevens: We do the best software for you.

About this interview

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