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  Bogdan Radulescu
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NimbleX 2008 was created by an young and talented Romanian developer: Bogdan Radulescu. Radulescu began to customize his own personal environment, based on Slackware, and eventually realized that others could use it too. Soon that would result in the creation of NimbleX. DistroWatch added the distribution to its list in September 2006. After realizing that others could make their own custom CD if the proper interface was present, Radulescu began work on the Custom NimbleX site to let users generate a custom live CD. The interface utilizes JavaScript to grab user input. Radulescu now spends most of his time on NimbleX. He plans on making changes to the safe install and USB install. He also plans to implement methods of remote booting and mass deployment.

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An interview with Bogdan Radulescu

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Bogdan Radulescu: NimbleX related plans in the near future are to release the 2010 version, an updated website and a new version of Custom NimbleX.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for NimbleX 2008? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Bogdan Radulescu: I don't really know what to answer to the first two questions. Basically NimbleX is a permanent work in progress on my machines and at some point when I think it's worth it, I release a new version. I should focus on optimizing the currently included things and sometimes I also add something new in the mix.

FW Editor: From your point of view, which is the strongest NimbleX 2008 feature? Why?
Bogdan Radulescu: In my view the strongest feature is the way it actually works internally. Because every changes someone does are usually stored in RAM it's quite fast and virtually unbreakable. So you could delete the whole /bin directory and after a reboot everything will still be there.

FW Editor: What shall we expect from the new NimbleX 2010?
Bogdan Radulescu: NimbleX 2010 has almost every piece of software updated, a newer kernel with much better hardware support and KDE4 as the most obvious new things. Some other things I like is a better bluetooth integration and plug and play broadband modem support.

FW Editor: The features you incorporated into NimbleX 2008 gives the impression that NimbleX 2008 is designed for home users and not for professional ones. What can you tell us about that?
Bogdan Radulescu: I'd say it's designed with home users in mind because I don't see why a Linux distro has to be complicated to use. There is a lot of professional market potential in my view, especially for people who want to make it do a specialized task reliably and untended. In some cases all you need to do is remove the GUI, configure the required services and let it serve.

FW Editor: NimbleX 2008 is a good platform and personally I like it. However, there are still many people who prefer to use similar software. What can you tell to convince them that NimbleX 2008is better?
Bogdan Radulescu: I'd only like to encourage them to try it and if there is something they don't like just drop me an email, a fix, an idea or something so we can make it better. If I had more time I'm very confident I could make it much better.

FW Editor: What is the difference between KDE and KDM boot systems?
Bogdan Radulescu: KDE is the graphical interface and KDM is a software that manages graphical interfaces. The simpler explication is that KDM allows you to choose which graphical interface you want to use.

FW Editor: NimbleX 2008 is using KDE 3.5.9 despite the fact that the latest release appeared only a couple of weeks before KDE 4.1 debuted. Why?
Bogdan Radulescu: The initial releases of KDE4 where not very good and I decided to stick to KDE3 which worked very well.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about the idea behind NimbleX 2008? Why are you trying to keep NimbleX under 200mb?
Bogdan Radulescu: I was trying to keep it under 200MB because it was a nice round number that kept things challenging. In the beginning the main reason was to burn it on 8cm CD which would fit every pocket but since now these are gone and to be able to make things better for the users we'll have to fit a lot more now.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to NimbleX 2008 users?
Bogdan Radulescu: Thank you for trying NimbleX and don't be shy to contribute.

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NimbleX 2008 / 2010 Beta
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