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  Bruno de Carvalho
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Most Downloaded Software: windroplr
Most Famous Software: windroplr
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Website: http://bruno.factor45.org/
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An interview with Bruno de Carvalho

FW Editor: Hello! What can you tell us about yourself? Give our readers some info about the creator of the amazing WinDroplr.
Bruno de Carvalho: I'm 25 years old, graduated in MSc in Software Engineering in the University of Coimbra and I love programming. It started out as a hobby by the age of 14 and now I'm very happy to be doing one of the things I love the most for a living.

FW Editor: How did the developing of this program go? Were there any problems? How long it took to develop such a nice program?
Bruno de Carvalho: The big problem was that I had never touched any Microsoft development platforms - namely .NET. windroplr also has some low level OS hooks which gave me a few headaches, but overall it took about a month to start from scratch until the first release date.

FW Editor: Is Windroplr a 100% match of Droplr with the only difference that it works on Windows OSs?
Bruno de Carvalho: There are a couple of differences. The main difference is that I've chosen not to provide a drag to system tray feature since I feel it breaks the User Experience of the Windows operating systems. I had to come up with multiple alternatives: an overlay drop target window, upload from clipboard, global shortcuts and drag to application shortcut.

FW Editor: What feature of Windroplr are you the most proud of? Why is that?
Bruno de Carvalho: I'd probably go with the "Upload from clipboard" feature, which directly uploads any images, text or links you place on Windows Clipboard with Ctrl+C. It's extremely handy for people that use mostly the keyboard, like myself.

FW Editor: Who can use Windroplr and why should the people use this program? Do you think a certain age group is using this program more than others?
Bruno de Carvalho: It's an application developed with extreme simplicity in mind, so pretty much anyone can use it. I guess that the age range of the users sits somewhere between 18~40yo, so it's mostly the twitter generation.

FW Editor: What else can you tell us about your work? What other programs have you developed and what programs do you plan to develop in the near future?
Bruno de Carvalho: windroplr was one of three side-projects I had while working at a software house. I started it out mostly due to the repetitive and non-challenging work I had in my day job. I'll now be joining two great friends in a startup of our own, so there's no telling what can happen next :)

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