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  CatPig Studios
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Most Downloaded Software: Radium
Most Famous Software: Radium
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Website: http://www.catpigstudios.com/
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An interview with Kirill Zorin

FW Editor: Hey, can you tell us your name, occupation and give us some details about your current work?
Kirill Zorin: Kirill Zorin, I currently work at CatPig Studios, which I started with a friend in early 2009.

FW Editor: How did you think to develop Radium when they are so many programs of this kind out there? How is Radium better than the other ones of its kind?
Kirill Zorin: There aren't as many programs for the Mac, and Radium was initially developed to let us listen to XM Radio Online. At the time (and even now...) Windows Media Audio is not well-supported on the Mac, and Radium provided an easy solution that worked without problem. We can't say for sure if it's "better" or not, because that's up to our users, but we believe what makes Radium different is its clean, minimalist design, which allows users to interact with it as little as possible. It's also easy on system resources, and is really stable.

FW Editor: Have you ever thought about making this portable on Windows or Linux also?
Kirill Zorin: We're going to do a Windows port, but probably not a Linux one. We're not confident that we'll make our money back with Linux, because it's a very different culture with respect to apps.

FW Editor: How often does the network stations list get updated? Is it hard work for the not so experienced user to put in their favorite stations?
Kirill Zorin: The networks list gets updated daily, with occasional breaks. It's generally not too hard to input media URL's into Radium, but some radio station websites try very hard to hide their media URLs, in which case we have to step in and help our users. It's not a problem because we love to do it =)

FW Editor: What can you tell us more about the Growl? How does this option help the listener?
Kirill Zorin: Growl is a nifty universal notification mechanism for the Mac, which lets Radium (and other apps) present the user with desktop notifications. Radium uses this whenever the current song changes, so that the user has an idea of what's playing.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about the Instant Equalizer? When can a user use it and why would he use it in the first place? How much liberty has a user in tweaking his bands?
Kirill Zorin: The equalizer is a bit clever, in that it rememebrs its settings per station. This means that when you switch between stations, the equalizer will choose the previously-used preset for that station. This way you don't have to switch it manually every time. The bands cover the entire human hearing spectrum, and the user has considerable liberty in adjusting the bands. The equalizer also comes with a bunch of handy presets.

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