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  Clarisys Inc.
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Website: http://www.clarisys.ca
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An interview with Peter Goulet

FW Editor: Hello, please tell us something about yourself so our readers may meet the man who developed 3SAccounting.
Peter Goulet: 3SAccounting was created by a small, but dedicated group of developers that have worked hard to create a product that meets the needs of small businesses around the world. Clarisys is based in Montreal, Canada and we have been developing accounting software since 1984, which is almost an eternity in the IT business.

FW Editor: How long have you worked developing this program? What is the feature that took you the most time to develop?
Peter Goulet: The original DOS version was created in the early 90's and the Windows version was created in 1996. Creating the user interface has been he most time consuming and important feature to develop. We have gone through 4 iterations of the UI and we are confident that the current version is the most intuitive and easy to use version yet.

FW Editor: In the description of the program you say that this is a single user system but it can be upgraded to a maximum of 4 users. How are we able to do that?
Peter Goulet: Upgrading to a multi-user system is very simple and does not require installing a new version of 3SAccounting. The first step is to install the single user version of 3S on each computer; then we send the client a program that they install on each computer and then a quick modification to the windows registry and we're done.

FW Editor: What can you tell us about how the advanced search function with the ability to create files work?
Peter Goulet: The search function enables a user to quickly find a general ledger account, a client, a supplier or an an inventory product using various filtering methods. If the item they are looking for does not exist it can be created directly from the search window, which allows the user to continue working without the interruption of stopping what they are doing and going to another option to create the missing item and then coming back to where they were.

FW Editor: At the moment, we can use this program on only Windows operating system computers. Are you planning to update this program so it will work on other operating systems as well?
Peter Goulet: In the short term we have no plans to offer the software on other operating systems; we have our hands full trying to keep up with the many versions of Windows.

FW Editor: Is this the first program you have developed? What else can you tell us about your work? Want to share with us some future plans?
Peter Goulet: We've been in the accounting software business since 1984 and have developed many products for businesses small and large. Since the mid-90's we have focussed our efforts on 3 products: 3SAccounting, Executive and Powerpak. Each product is aimed at different sized businesses and offers a different list of features. We are currently working on V5.0 of our product suite and we have successfully launched the first two phases of V5.0, which consisted of a redesigned user interface and redesigned screen layouts for all options. We also introduced a unique feature that we call Pages. The Pages features allows a user to create multiple personalized desktops within the software. The desktops effectively allow a user to create their own accounting software with a personalized look and feel. Going forward we will be expanding our multi-language capabilities so that we offer our products to a wider audience. Currently, we are working on Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin language add-ons to complement the English and French we now offer. We are also exploring the possibility of offering mobile versions of our products that would enable some or all of the features to be used on smart phones and tablets.

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