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Most Downloaded Software: MyTunesRSS
Most Famous Software: MyTunesRSS
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Website: http://www.codewave.de/products/mytunesrss/
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An interview with Michael Descher

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Michael Descher: Currently I am working on the next major release of MyTunesRSS scheduled for the end of the year. Besides some smaller improvements it has a complete new web based admin interface to control the server from anywhere in the world. You can also add any Flash player you like. Visit http://board.codewave.de to download pre-release versions.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for MyTunesRSS? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Michael Descher: Currently I am focused on improving MyTunesRSS. I started it in early 2006. It was a very simple app which just produced RSS feeds from the iTunes playlists, hence the name. There was a PHP script out there which did this for Sony's PSP and I liked the idea and wanted to do the same in Java. Since the released software become rather popular I decided to improve it to a real media server.

FW Editor: MyTunesRSS is a great tool. Can you tell us more about the concept behind MyTunesRSS?
Michael Descher: The main idea is to have your music available anytime, anyplace. It reads data from an iTunes library or media files on disk and creates a database from the information. The media server then offers you a web based interface to browse the data and play the media files. Currently I am adding HTTP Live Streaming which for example makes video playback on the iPhone really work.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change MyTunesRSS in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Michael Descher: I am constantly improving MyTunesRSS. Many of the current features have been implemented from customer requests. This is very important input for me since I want my customers to love the application in the first place.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using MyTunesRSS over any other similar product?
Michael Descher: One of MyTunesRSS's advantages over similar products is that you are in full control of the service. This might sound like a disadvantage at first glance since you have to keep your server running all the time. On the other hand you are not dependent on anyone keeping some service alive. One quite popular service has been closed down earlier this year and now the customers have no use for the software they purchased anymore. Another nice feature is the remote API. You can use any programming language to create your own client which uses the MyTunesRSS server for getting the actual data. The iPhone app for example works this way and really anybody could have created it.

FW Editor: Besides MyTunesRSS, is there any application that had a positive impact over you? Why?
Michael Descher: Nothing special I can think of at the moment.

FW Editor: Is there any customer support service for MyTunesRSS users?
Michael Descher: Sure. Customer support is one of the most important things in my opinion, even more if you have paying customers. I have a support contact form on my homepage, you can ask for help in the forums and you can send support requests directly from MyTunesRSS. All bug reports, questions, comments and forum posts are usually answered within 24 hours.

FW Editor: Do you have any message or anything to share with MyTunesRSS users?
Michael Descher: I would like to thank everybody who bought a license and I can assure you that I will always listen to your questions and feature requests as I did in the past. Your opinion is very important for me and extremely valuable input for further development.

About this interview

MyTunesRSS 4.7.1
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