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  CR8 Software Solutions
CR8 Software Solutions motto:
working solutions for home and small business

Publisher Description

Custom programming and software development in Pascal and Java programming languages aimed mainly toward small business users.

Most Downloaded Software: CR8 Type
Most Famous Software: CR8 Type
Total Software Listed: 5
Website: http://www.j-activepress.com/
Services: Windows applications;
July Downloads:0

An interview with Allan Murray

FW Editor: Can you tell us a few things about CR8 Software Solutions? What are your goals? Are you currently working on new projects?
Allan Murray: The main goal is to develop software for home and small business users that is functional and yet easy to use. New projects? Yes - currently developing J-ActivePress, which is an application for printing variable content such as address labels, personalised mailings, colour invites and the like. It is also Java-based, so it runs on Linux, Solaris, as well as Windows platforms.

FW Editor: Type is without any doubt one of your most popular application. Why would you recommend Type?
Allan Murray: Well, as far as Windows font editors go, I believe that the Type range of editors are the easiest to use for new users. The idea was to hide most of the complexity of the font structure (and font file formats are very complex) behind an easy to use GUI, without restricting what can be produced.

FW Editor: Type is available in 3 different versions. Can you tell us a few things about each version? Who can use Type?
Allan Murray: Type light is a free, feature reduced version of Type 2.2 and is intended for home - that is non commercial - use. Type 3 adds advanced options like OpenType features and automated scripts. I still sell the older 2.2 version because not everyone needs those advanced features, but if they decide they do, then they can also upgrade later.

FW Editor: Is Type supporting the latest Windows platforms (Vista and Windows 7)?
Allan Murray: Yes, Type light/2.2 (versions 2.2.029 and later) and Type 3 now support Windows 7.

FW Editor: What inspired you the most in developing Type (or any other application actually)?
Allan Murray: Probably the main motivation would be my industry experience with other commerical applications - complexity is common - yet I don't beleive all users need, or want to pay, for a such high level of complexity. I would say that this was especially so in the case of CR8 Card Printing Software.

FW Editor: Another extremely interesting and popular application is CR8 Card Printing Software. What can you tell us about this product?
Allan Murray: Yes, this was my first software product. It is a fairly specialised software for printing plastic cards to ID card printers. A smartcard version is now marketed by a major Italian ID firm - its success led me to go on to produce barcode fonts and font editors.

About this interview

CR8 Type 2.2.007
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Type 3.2.019
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CR8 Type

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