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  David Olsen
David Olsen motto:
Simple but powerfull

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Most Downloaded Software: Tektune Translator
Most Famous Software: Tektune Translator
Total Software Listed: 4
Website: http://www.tektune.com/
July Downloads:0

An interview with David Olsen

FW Editor: Hello! Please tell us something about yourself so our readers may meet the developer of Tektune Translator and Tektune Mail Sender that our site has reviewed.
David Olsen: I develop software in my spare time because I am so impressed with what you can get a computer to do. I started programming when I was 10 years. I have learned to speak and write English and program by my self. My goal is to develop a lot of small programs. They should not be complicated, but easy and understandable .. But most of all, they must be useful.

FW Editor: Why did you choose to develop a software like Tektune Translator when almost all the people can choose to use the online translator from Google?
David Olsen: I use google translator much. I found it annoying that you constantly need their website to translate. When I'm on the go, it is not always that I am connected to the Internet, so I developed it.

FW Editor: When do you plan to add other languages? Can the average user add languages to this program?
David Olsen: I had not even thought about doing so people can add new languages for Translator. But it's an excellent idea. I will do, but can not give further details on when it will be because I'm working on a lot of software and have other things to fit

FW Editor: What can you tell us about the Mail Sender? Why did you choose to develop such a program?
David Olsen: I often send emails to many people at once, but it is not always nice to each others to see his / her email. Therefore, I developed a program that does not leak information about other recipients.

FW Editor: Why should anyone use the Tektune Mail Sender and not an average e-mail to send their e-mails?
David Olsen: It is not intended that people should use this program as the primary email program, for it is not possible to change the text type, etc. People should use it in situations where they should send emails to many people and preserve the individual's email personally. The recipients will appreciate.

FW Editor: Do you plan to create more and more software in the future? Which software are you the most proud of?
David Olsen: If only I have 1 download on my software, I am proud. My goal is to help people and make things easier for them. I plan to develop more and more software. Right now I'm working on a software that teaches people to secure their computer optimally against hackers and spyware.

About this interview

Tektune Translator
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Tektune Translator

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