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Most Downloaded Software: Directory Monitor
Most Famous Software: Directory Monitor
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Website: http://www.deventerprise.net
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An interview with Werner van Deventer

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Werner van Deventer: Better response to client's requests with a paid for model for features because I don't have much time to support it lately.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Directory Monitor? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Werner van Deventer: It was around 2008 when people at work were brining a lot of external files in and copying them to 'private' shares. There was no existing software available to notify a user when a new file has become available on a share or when a share has come online. The software grew from there as more uses and scenarios started to become evident, then I decided to put it on the web in case anyone else had similar requirements and couldn't find a decent solution.

FW Editor: From your point of view, which is the strongest Directory Monitor feature? Why?
Werner van Deventer: The ability easily to monitor 'private' shares on the network without polling.

FW Editor: What new features should we expect in Directory Monitor in the future? How do you plan to improve it?
Werner van Deventer: Version 2.0 will contain features like security information (who made a change to a directory or share). I will allow a simple plugabble interface into the software so it's easy to handle change events with custom tools and code.

FW Editor: Directory Monitor is a great application and personally I love it. However, there are still many people who prefer to use similar software. What can you tell to convince them that Directory Monitor is better?
Werner van Deventer: There's are a few alternative, but they are expensive and often difficult to use. Directory Monitor is free, simple and contains features many of the other pieces of software don't.

FW Editor: How can you describe Directory Monitor in one single word? Why?
Werner van Deventer: Specialized - The software was written with a specific need in mind, not everyone needs the functionality but if you do you can't live without it.

FW Editor: Is there any full customer support service for the Directory Monitor clients? If not, do you plan to create one in the future?
Werner van Deventer: Not at the moment, I'm a one man band. I do plan on offering a system to make feature requests in future to better handle customer requirements.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to the Directory Monitor users?
Werner van Deventer: Give it a try, tons of people have found weird and wonderful uses for it. It's free so you've got nothing to lose!

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