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An interview with Starbuck

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Starbuck: To release DVDx 4 by end 2010. New Windows, Mac and Linux compatible.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for DVDx? What inspired you the most?
Starbuck: I started writing DVDx 4 from scratch in early 2009, and I'm testing now, will rlmease PreAlpha version in a couple of months.

FW Editor: What makes DVDx unique? Why it is so powerful?
Starbuck: DVDx is as powerful as its best competitor but with a easy, effortless interface.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using DVDx over any other similar product?
Starbuck: So fun, easy to use and providing same output as its best competitors.

FW Editor: What is the
Starbuck: Because DVDx rips the DVD directly from the DVD drive, it save your hard-drive and DVD drive.

FW Editor: What are the best/fastest ways to produce VCD and SVCD with DVDx?
Starbuck: Just click default VCD or SVCD settings and start encoding.

FW Editor: Can a DVD compliant file be produced with DVDx?
Starbuck: Yes, and will be very easy with DVD 4, as well as HD-video.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to DVDx users?
Starbuck: Keep support us and enjoy brand new DVDx 4 in the coming few weeks! And meet me at Doom9

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