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  Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE
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Most Downloaded Software: PicsMultiFormats
Most Famous Software: PicsMultiFormats
Total Software Listed: 2
Website: http://www.mbskstudio.com/
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An interview with Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE

FW Editor: Which image formats are supported by PicsMultiFormats? Can PicsMultiFormats work with HD images?
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: *.jpeg,*.png,*.gif

FW Editor: PicsMultiFormats works on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Are there any differences between PicsMultiFormats for Windows and PicsMultiFormats for Mac for instance?
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: no difference between operating systems, picsmultiformats does the same work

FW Editor: Who can use PicsMultiFormats? Is PicsMultiFormats a software for everyone or only for those with a certain experience in photo editing?
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: PicsMultiFormats is a software for everyone,especially for beginner and any users wishing to quickly create their passport photos or any school official wishing to automate its identity photographs for his pupils or students

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about your software portfolio? We know you have a rich CV with various interesting applications.
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: for see more of my works go to my official website : http://www.mbskstudio.com

FW Editor: Why is PicsMultiFormats needed on a software market flooded with all kind of photo editing applications?
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: yes, Picsmultiformats has been created for facilitate one speciality of photographer called "Multi Formats of Images".

FW Editor: Thank you for your time and for this short interview. To end this, do you have any message for all PicsMultiFormats users?
Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE: PicsMultiFormats use if you need to deal with in a blink of an eye all the passport photos of your business, or prepare at home the passport photos of your kids without losing time before the computer, just for 20$

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PicsMultiFormats 1.0
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PicsMultiFormats - Elhadji Mamadou MBENGUE 1.0
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