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  Erdem U. Altinyurt
Erdem U. Altinyurt motto:
#1 AVI Video Repair & Preview Utility

Publisher Description

This is Erdem U. Altinyurt, a jobless computer engineer, born and living since 1981,in Istanbul, Turkey. I am the man who behind DivFix++, Meteorite, wxHexEditor, an finally SamyGO projects.

Most Downloaded Software: wxHexEditor - Erdem U. Altinyurt
Most Famous Software: DivFix++
Total Software Listed: 3
Website: http://wxhexeditor.sourceforge.net/
Services: video; software;
May Downloads:2

An interview with Erdem U. Altinyurt

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Erdem U. Altinyurt:

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for DIVFIX++? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: Original DivFix program, whish writen in perl language has some problems. It slow and consuming %100 of CPU. Also doesn't have CLI interface. So you can't setup your emule to preview your downloading videos. I try to fix it but I cant. I don't know how perl too. THan I make myself C++ variant of it. But again I failed. Than I study AVI stream and make similar program for me. THan published program with the community for free.

FW Editor: DIVFIX++ is one of the best applications of its type from the market. What is the secret?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: There is no secret. It's open sourced. :) And it does the job. Faster and better than other alternatives. It support CLI, so you can setup DivFix++ to preview your AVI files too.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change DIVFIX++ in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: I wanted to support Multi Gigabyte AVI files. I placed the frame work, little work required for the success. Than I will kill the development for DivFix++ I think.

FW Editor: How can you describe DIVFIX++ in one single word?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: #1 AVI video repair utility.

FW Editor: What is your favorite feature from DIVFIX++ and why?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: It support CLI, so you can setup DivFix++ to preview your AVI files too.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about this feature? Why it is so important? DIVFIX++ the same without it?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: With it, you can use DivFix++ executable to preview your partially downloaded files on eMule/aMule program or your bittorrent. DivFix++ will fix the required file, will open your Media player and play that file. After media player closed, it will deleted fixed file due it's in preview mode.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to DIVFIX++ users?
Erdem U. Altinyurt: Happy Downloading...:)

About this interview

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