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  Excelsior LLC
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Most Downloaded Software: CCCalc
Most Famous Software: CCCalc
Total Software Listed: 4
Website: http://www.excelsior-usa.com
November Downloads:21

An interview with Andrey

FW Editor: Hello, please tell our readers something about yourself. How old are you and when did you start programming things?
Andrey: I consider CCCalc as a product of the Excelsior company, which is 12 years old for now. I myself am 45.

FW Editor: Why did you develop a calculator? Why should people use your program and not use the standard, Windows, one?
Andrey: Interesting question. Once I've noticed that many of "number professionals" use paper-and-pencil together with MSExcel and desktop or pocket calculator. It was very interesting to try to understand why. The result was the main idea of the CCCalc: same button press sequence as for desktop calculator plus big screen advantage that computer provides.

FW Editor: Are you constantly updating this program or you are happy the way it is right now?
Andrey: We issue about two releases a year in average. Sometimes more sometimes less depending on workload.

FW Editor: Do you plan to add more features to the program? Maybe making it able to make more calculations?
Andrey: We have a number of our user wishes in our "todo list", thanks to all of them. The next release will provide text comments.

FW Editor: Can you tell us something more about how the set of memory operations work on CCCalc?
Andrey: The main drawback of memory slot of usual calculators is that it is completely invisible, so you have to remember what you've stored there. The "memory" of CCCalc designed to overcome it.

FW Editor: Can you tell us something more about your work? Is this the only software you have developed until now? Do you have some ideas for the future that you want to share with us?
Andrey: To be frank, the main field where Excelsior works lies far from calculators. What we are doing is for very specific use by programmers, check our site if yo are interested. But we are humans and we are glad to make something good for people who are with us, for example our bookkeepers.

About this interview

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