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  Florian Volk
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Website: http://www.florian-volk.net
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An interview with Florian Volk

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Florian Volk:

FW Editor: What inspired you the most in creating ‘Close other tabs’ application?
Florian Volk: The need for easy tab management in the daily browser use.

FW Editor: What shall we expect next from the 'Close other tabs'? Is any update coming?
Florian Volk: For the next time, only supporting updates are planned: New versions of Firefox will be supported. I see Close Other Tabs as feature-complete (for now).

FW Editor: Did you find the standard option 'Close other tabs' for Mozilla Firefox useless?
Florian Volk: No, just not good enough in usability aspects. The first version of Close Other Tabs just added a keyboard shortcut. Extended tab management features were introduced later.

FW Editor: Why are you not adding the keyconfig extention to your addon? Or do you plan to add a preference panel, where users could set the software configuration?
Florian Volk: I don't plan to include the keyconfig extension for two reasons: There may be licensing problems and it is just way too powerful for Close Other Tabs. Some users requested a prefernce panel and I thought about that long time. There will be not preference panel: It would simply be too complicated to resolve problems like already taken shortcuts (somewhere in the browser), different keys on different platforms, overlapping key combinations and so on. The most important point is that other extensions may interfere with Close Other Tabs shortcuts and the user would be presented an inconsistent preference panel by my extension. Covering all these details would just take too much of my spare time.

FW Editor: Is there anything you would like to change in your application?
Florian Volk: I'm curious about porting Close Other Tabs to the new Mozilla Jetpack technology to ease up development. But I don't think this will happen in the foreseeable future.

FW Editor: Do you plan to extend your software for other applications like Opera or Internet Explorer?
Florian Volk: I think about Chrome from time to time, but as I mainly use Firefox and Internet Explorer, I cannot guarantee the level of quality known from the Firefox version.

FW Editor: Is there any message you would like to send to 'Close other tabs' users?
Florian Volk: Web browsing is about webpage content. Close Other Tabs should help you using your browser - don't think too much about it. ;)

About this interview

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