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Most Famous Software: FoxySpider
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Website: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/9597
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An interview with Foxy Spider

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Foxy Spider: FoxySpider is a great infrastructure for a personalized crawling of web sites, targeted to locate files like video clips or images. I am very satisfied with the current feature set of FoxySpider, but I still have many improvements and tweaks that I would like to add to it, to make it even better.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for FoxySpider? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Foxy Spider: I've started to work on FoxySpider about a year ago. My objective was to make a tool that efficiently scans many links in a given page, and fetches the video and images it finds in the pages behind them. From there it evolved into the current tool that can perform a deep scan, fetches other file types too and creates a clickable thumbnail gallery of the located files. Currently a new software is not planned, and optimizing FoxySpider is my top priority.

FW Editor: FoxySpider is a great Mozilla Firefox add-on. Can you tell us more about this concept? Where is FoxySpider particularly useful?
Foxy Spider: FoxySpider is a great tool for anyone how find himself wasting a lot of time browsing back a forth looking for files like video clips, images, audio file, etc. From users testimonials, it is extremely neat for porn browsing... but there are many other applications of FoxySpider (scanning podcast sites, MP3 databases, etc.)

FW Editor: FoxySpider comes without any filters. Without these filters, it is hard to manage a large links library. Do you plan to add filters in the future?
Foxy Spider: True. Filters are extremely important for efficient web crawling. In version 0.90 that has been recently released, the user can refine the crawl domain to a configurable URL. For example, if the user notices that the "interesting" content is located under http://www.example.com/videos/5/, he can set a filter to perform the crawl under this URL only. I am very proud with this feature.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using FoxySpider over any other similar product?
Foxy Spider: I am not familiar with many personal web crawlers, but the one I know of are stand alone applications, that the user has to install. FoxySpider is a Firefox add-on, so there is no need to install a heavy application. It simply runs from within Firefox browser. I addition, FoxySpider is tailored to find "files" (video files, pictures,MP3 files, etc.), and not textual content like other crawler, which I believe is an interest of many internet users.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to FoxySpider users?
Foxy Spider: Spread the word!

About this interview

FoxySpider 1.5.2
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FoxySpider 1.5.3
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