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Most Downloaded Software: GREmail Robot
Most Famous Software: GREmail Robot
Total Software Listed: 12
Website: http://www.grsoftware.net
September Downloads:0

An interview with Bob

FW Editor: Hello, can you please tell us something about yourself? How did you start developing programs? It was your dream as a child?
Bob: Hello! Well, I'm an Electronics Engineer specializing in software. My dreams were about "going inside things" and software just seemed like exactly what I was looking for!

FW Editor: How have you decided to develop a backup software like GRBackPro? How did you come up with the idea?
Bob: It was for my personal use. After my friends saw it they wanted it too, and then I realized that I could help other people too.

FW Editor: This program has many interesting features, like the recreating of the source directory structure so the user can navigate into the backup archives. How were you able to build that? Please tell us something about this feature.
Bob: In my opinion, having a single big archive is not a good choice either for speed or for easy data retrieval. It quickly became clear that recreating the directory structure (whether compressed or copied) made it much easier for users to find files to restore. Our users seem to appreciate this feature and I see that many other backup software programs are copying this great feature now.

FW Editor: Is the PKZIP 2.0 standard protection scheme enough to protect our backup files?
Bob: If you use a good password, I mean a sufficient complex one, then the standard PKZIP protection scheme is great. Using weak passwords makes them too easy to break (there are many programs available that do this) so it's important to choose a complex password. However if you plan to store your files in a remote server you do not own then string encryption is better. We are working on this feature.

FW Editor: Are you planning to add some new features to this program in the future? Maybe adding portability so it can run on other operating systems?
Bob: Yes, we have a very long list of improvements and additions to make. Mainly we are focused on satisfying what our customers ask for. At the moment we are working only with Windows, however as other OS gain popularity we will begin to port GRBackupPro to them.

FW Editor: Please tell us something more about your work. This isn't the first software you have developed and I hope not the last. Maybe you want to share with our readers some ideas for the future?
Bob: Well, we are open to writing ANY software and often ask our users what they need. Currently we are working on email software. Not spamming software, of course, we hate that! We also have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) software as well and we have plans to improve it.

About this interview

GREmail Robot 1.7.10
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VBATutor 2006 1.0
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GRBackPro 7.2.21
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GREmail Robot

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