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Most Downloaded Software: Pop-Up Dictionary
Most Famous Software: Pop-Up Dictionary
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Website: http://popdict.com/
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An interview with Artyom Lukanin

FW Editor: How do you see Pop-Up Dictionary in future?
Artyom Lukanin: We plan to publish more electronic dictionaries for Pop-Up Dictionary in more foreign languages and improve Pop-Up Dictionary for finding translations easily and learning new words and meanings.

FW Editor: Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Artyom Lukanin: We focus on optimizing Pop-Up Dictionary, but sometimes release different goodies like biReader.

FW Editor: Pop-Up Dictionary is one of the best dictionaries from the market. What is the secret?
Artyom Lukanin: You can use most of the features for free, that is to download practically all of our dictionaries for learning words and for simple translation searching. The number of languages is not limited and, for example, you can download dictionaries for languages with righ-to-left script like Hebrew, Arabic, etc.

FW Editor: What shall we expect from the future Pop-Up Dictionary versions?
Artyom Lukanin: More new dictionaries for every language of the world.

FW Editor: Why would you recommend Pop-Up Dictionary? Why is Pop-Up Dictionary better than Google Translator for example?
Artyom Lukanin: Google Translator is limited to a few popular languages and it cannot be used for every day studying. You can download dictionaries for more than 80 modern and ancient languages from our site at the moment and this number is constantly increasing.

FW Editor: You encourage users to contribute in Pop-Up Dictionary development. The reward is a free Pop-Up Dictionary. Is that true?
Artyom Lukanin: Yes, we are not specialists in every language of the world, but our users are. Contributors of the dictionaries help all the rest users of Pop-Up Dictionary and we think they should be rewarded.

FW Editor: How many languages are supported by Pop-Up Dictionary?
Artyom Lukanin: Every natural language of the world is supported. Even if the language does not have its own script, you can add pictures of gestures or different multimedia information. Moreover, you can use Pop-Up Dictionary as a telephone directory, multi-language book reader, etc.

FW Editor: How accurate is the translation?
Artyom Lukanin: It depends on the dictionary you have downloded. You can use Multitran or Mueller dictionary with a lot of translations to find the exact meaning of your context or you can download short dictionaries with one or two basic meanings, which are primarily used for studying a new foreign language.

FW Editor: Is there anything you would like to add about Pop-Up Dictionary?
Artyom Lukanin:

About this interview

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