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  Jasper Siegers
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Most Downloaded Software: Things Folders
Most Famous Software: Things Folders
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Website: http://www.jazzaround.net/index.html
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An interview with Jasper Siegers

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Jasper Siegers: I'm working at the moment on another app called Things Folders. This is another add on application but then for Cultured Code's Things. It makes and manages a folder structure based on your projects and areas in Things. I'm working at the moment to add OpenMeta support to Things.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Evernote Account Switcher? What inspired you the most?
Jasper Siegers: I've started with Evernote Account Switcher more than a year ago. I was using Evernote myself a lot and was hoping we could use it for work as well. But then I discovered that it was not even possible to have multiple accounts. I didn't took long before I had a working prototype. So later I've put it online so other people could enjoy it as well.

FW Editor: Do you plan to develop new EverNote additional software?
Jasper Siegers: The only idea I have now is to add OpenMeta to Evernote. But I have no idea yet how and if it's even possible.

FW Editor: Can you tell us in a few words how autologin works?
Jasper Siegers: Autologin was long not possible (at least I thought) because I'm not controlling the keychain for Evernote. And that keychain doesn't work with multiple accounts anyway. But after a while I came up with a way. I just had to make this possible. So I store your evernote account details. Your password is encrypted obviously. When you switch to an account your password is decrypted and pasted to the clipboard. Also when you switch your name is automatically entered. So now Evernote knows what user wants to login it will select the password field. All I have to do is paste your password, hit enter and clear the clipboard again.

FW Editor: Do you plan to add new features for Evernote Account Switcher?
Jasper Siegers: I'm thinking about a way to have better spotlight support with each account.

FW Editor: How would you define Evernote Account Switcher in just a few words?
Jasper Siegers: It brings a necessary feature to Evernote that should be in the Evernote client a long time ago.

FW Editor: What is your favorite feature of Evernote Account Switcher?
Jasper Siegers: I have to say autologin.

FW Editor: Do you have any message for Evernote Account Switcher users?
Jasper Siegers: Not really, except that I hope you like it!

About this interview

Things Folders 0.9.8
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Evernote Account Switcher 2.0
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Things Folders

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