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LangOver motto:
Change your Language easily between multi languages...

Publisher Description

LangOver - translate to English Free software translation Change language for multi language keyboard

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Website: http://www.LangOver.com
Services: translation; software;
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An interview with Oded Yehezkel

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Oded Yehezkel: Improve LangOver, add more options, support for Linux and Mac.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for LangOver? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Oded Yehezkel: Many years have passed since I started working on this project, it happened when I wrote something in my PC and forgot to click ALT+SHIFT. This is when I decided to develop an application to fix this problem. People all over the world love it so I focused on LangOver, but have some other projects too.

FW Editor: LangOver is a great concept and an extremely useful tool. What determined you to develop such software?
Oded Yehezkel: It happened many years ago, I was writing something on my PC and forgot to press Alt+Shift to change the language, then I decided to develop an application which will fix this problem. People around the world now use it with great appreciation.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change LangOver in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Oded Yehezkel: SURE. I am planning to develop versions for Linux and Mac. All according to my time...

FW Editor: LangOver can switch between two languages. How accurate the translation really is?
Oded Yehezkel: The translation is provided by Google and Bing, feel free to use them and see how accurate it is.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using LangOver over a simple translator for example?
Oded Yehezkel: It is free. The Translator is updated online in the web. (Google / Bing)

FW Editor: The translation option is based on Google translator. Is that true?
Oded Yehezkel: Yes, the translation is provided by Google but you can also use Bing.

FW Editor: How can you describe LangOver in just a few words?
Oded Yehezkel: LangOver 5.0 - is a great utility which helps when you try to type in one language but the result was in another, a simple and effective solution to a very annoying problem.

FW Editor: What is your favorite LangOver option and why?
Oded Yehezkel: The main option F10 - Change between languages when you forget to click ALT+SHIFT.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about this option? Why it is so important? Is LangOver the same without it?
Oded Yehezkel: In case you have a Multilingual working environment and you type some text in Notepad (For example), and forget using Alt+Shift, You will notice some gibberish letters getting printed as shown in the picture. To fix your text back to English select the entire sentence and hit the shortcut key "F10". The whole sentence is converted back to English (vice versa).

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