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  Lucky Ants
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Lucky Ants is a new, small software developing company. Their original name was DV Group but, somehow, it wasn't a proper name for a company that develops Mac OS software. The company name changed into Lucky Ants and soon it became extremely popular after they released Snippets, a powerful software for Mac OS X platforms. Snippets was a long project and the first public alpha version was released on October 2009. Since then, based on users' feedback, developers improved Snippets and now, we can finally use Snippets 1.0.

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Website: http://www.snippetsapp.com/
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An interview with Developers

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Developers: We are focused mainly on developer tools for Mac because we ourself programming on Macs. We believe that we can create good software for people like we are. So, we are planning to improve Snippets by introducing new powerful features for modern developers and teams. Sure thing, we are looking for other software ideas too.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Snippets? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Developers: We become with idea of Snippets and started development in January 2009. That time we were beginners in Cocoa development so we never published the first version we had. After some months of part-time development we ended with an application that we could use, but it still wasn't good enough to present it. So we decided to begin a second iteration. At that time we started working on Snippets full-time. And as result, the whole application was rewritten from scratch. Currently, after releasing version 1.0, we are still working on optimization as well as on new features. Our inspiration mostly comes from other great Mac applications.

FW Editor: From your point of view, which is the strongest Snippets feature? Why?
Developers: We believe it is Scrippets. This feature allows to extend Snippets functionality easily without adding any mess (i.e. functionality that one person may need and others don't) to the application itself. Moreover, any developer can create its own scrippet that can perform almost any operation on snippets to meet particular needs. This is very cool!

FW Editor: Are you currently working on a new Snippets version? How do you plan to improve it in the future?
Developers: We still have a lot of work for version 1 so many updates are yet to come.

FW Editor: Do you plan to release a Snippets version for Windows platforms? If yes, when shall we expect that?
Developers: At this time we are concentrated on the Mac version because it is our main target. This is what we use and this is what we like to do. We have some thoughts about involving other platforms including Windows but we don't have a final decision yet. So follow @snippetsapp on Twitter and feel free to let us know whether you are interested in Snippets versions for other platforms.

FW Editor: What makes Snippets so special? Why it is better than any other similar product?
Developers: We think these are lots of features and user interface. Snippets meets almost all possible goals that users can expect from the application of such type.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using Snippets?
Developers: The main advantage of using Snippets is that you save a lot of time because you don't need to write the same code again and again in different projects. It's proved that our application really helps coders to improve their productivity.

FW Editor: How can you characterize Snippets in just a few words? Why?
Developers: In a few words — this is a notebook for coders. Initially, we used Evernote and text files for saving valuable snippets of code (a lot of developers are working the same way even now), but it was very hard for maintaining. So, we created a tool dedicated exactly for storing, managing and reusing code snippets. In addition, it's got a lot of features that helps you to do it better, faster and easier.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about the most important features incorporated into Snippets?
Developers: Custom URI scheme allows you to create new snippets using a special ‘snippets:’ protocol, Multi-Touch gestures make it easier to navigate between Library items, Datastores can be used with FTP, Dropbox, iDisk and other storages enabling Team Collaboration. Also, we already have many scrippets and encourage our users to develop and share their own with others. Finally, don't forget about the Search Panel and the Global Menu that make your workflow much faster.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to Snippets users?
Developers: We appreciate your support very much and analyze your feedback very carefully. Follow @snippetsapp in Twitter to keep your eye on everything we do. Thank you guys!

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Snippets 1.4.1
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