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Most Downloaded Software: Mouse Recorder Pro 2
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Website: http://www.byshynet.com
July Downloads:196

An interview with Shay

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Shay: Make Nemex an official working company, work with Microsoft and develop more applications to help the community.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Mouse Editor Pro 2? What inspired you the most?
Shay: As part of learning coding by myself - I wanted to create the best macro recording application I can. I started writing Mouse Recorder Pro 2 when I was 16 years old (in my 2 months summer school vacation) getting ideas from friends and my own.

FW Editor: Mouse Editor Pro 2 is one of the best mouse recording applications. What is the secret?
Shay: Alot of motivation, I love programming and I write apps in my free time - I always say you should do what you love the most. I get feedbacks from friends and users and release new updates according to those feedbacks. This keeps me in the right track, and makes this app suitable for any kind of user.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using Mouse Editor Pro 2 over any other similar product?
Shay: It features the MRP Editor which allows you to edit your script and make it a lot productive and faster. It comes with the MRP Calendar that allows you to schedule your scripts for playing on a specific date & time, and includes the MRPlay app that plays your script by just clicking on a key, And it's free.

FW Editor: Which is the greatest feature of Mouse Editor Pro 2?
Shay: I think that the greatest feature is the Mouse Recorder Pro Editor - which allows you to deeply edit what you have been recording to make it more productive and fast.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change Mouse Editor Pro 2 in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Shay: Well, I thought about creating a new version of MRP2 with a whole new recording system that should work in any state on different machines. For the near future I hope to release fixes and small features.

FW Editor: Is there any customer support service for Mouse Editor Pro 2 users?
Shay: You can always send me an E-Mail at shynet@gmail.com . I will always be happy to help you!

FW Editor: Do you have any message or anything to share with Mouse Editor Pro 2 users?
Shay: Thank you for your great feedback's, this keeps me in the right track and motivates me. Without you I couldn't get to where I'm.

About this interview

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