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Most Downloaded Software: LanAgent
Most Famous Software: LanAgent
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An interview with NetworkProfi

FW Editor: Hello! Firstly, before anything else, please tell us something about yourself. Was LanAgent developed by a team or by a single developer?
NetworkProfi: The developer of LanAgent is NetworkProfi Company. It has been on the market of key logger & time tracking software since 2004. During this time LanAgent grew out from simple application for private usage into a powerful computer monitoring and information security supply system.

FW Editor: This is not exactly a brand new idea on the market. Why did you decide to develop a key logger?
NetworkProfi: It is not just a key logger. LanAgent is complex tool for monitoring computer activity, time tracking, Internet surfing tracking and etc. The structure of LanAgent allows controlling computers in a corporate network. There is also a feature of security officer notifications of security rules violations. There are just a few such applications on the market. So we decided that our program will be very useful and will take leading positions on the market.

FW Editor: Why is LanAgent better than the other key loggers on the market? Why should people buy this program and not some other key logger?
NetworkProfi: I have partly answered this question above. Unlike to common key loggers, LanAgent is a complex tool for monitoring computers. It also allows tracking launching and finishing of applications, visited websites, printed documents, makes screen shots. LanAgent also has extended analytical report system and tools for information protection.

FW Editor: This program has a nice and intuitive interface. How long have you worked until you reached this level?
NetworkProfi: First version of LanAgent was released in 2004 and since that time we are continuously working on adding new features and improving existing.

FW Editor: Is this program able to send e-mails from a computer to the buyer in real time with screen shots and information?
NetworkProfi: LanAgent was developed for working in LAN, so exchange between server and client parts of application works via local network. There is no need in sending raw data via e-mail. However you are able to send analytical reports generated by LanAgent server via e-mail.

FW Editor: Is this the first software you have developed? Please tell us more about your work because this software looks nice and probably the other programs you have developed are nice as well.
NetworkProfi: There are several versions of LanAgent: LanAgent Standard (for private usage and small companies), LanAgent Enterprise (for corporative customers) and LanAgent Terminal (for using within a terminal server technology).

FW Editor: Do you want to share some ideas with our readers? Do you have some final words to say before we end this interview?
NetworkProfi: It is obvious that, success of a company generally depends on the efficiency of each employee. Computer monitoring software like LanAgent can improve on employees working process optimization. Nevertheless you should still remember that the purpose of such applications is not to make employees being working for all the working time without a rest, but to expose malicious violators.

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