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Most Downloaded Software: Focus Photoeditor
Most Famous Software: Focus Photoeditor
Total Software Listed: 4
Website: http://www.nwspro.com
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An interview with Francesco Savastano

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Francesco Savastano: The plan is to grow steadily, together with our customers. We do our work with passion and with ambition for reaching outstanding quality, staying very close to the needs and wishes of the users of our software.

FW Editor: Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing Focus Photoeditor?
Francesco Savastano: We always have new ideas and concepts about developing software that are very easy to use and at the same time features-rich. We are constantly optimizing Focus Photoeditor, by each new minor release, and we always plan greater improvements to both performance and usability in major releases.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve Focus Photoeditor in the future? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Francesco Savastano: We have a lot of improvements as well as new features in mind. We want to improve performance, because this is the main critical issue of an image editor. We will add a faster image handling engine, that will improve especially performances working with layers. Another feature that we want to introduce is full automation, to allow users to quickly apply a series of complex changes to multiple pictures.

FW Editor: Which is the strongest Focus Photoeditor advantage? What makes it so special?
Francesco Savastano: It loads very fast compared to any other image editor and has all the necessary features without the overhead of excessive complications. There is a wide range of automatic corrections that give excellent results, able to please both the average user and the professional. The learning curve to use it in a satisfying way is very quick too. Of course professional use will require a deeper understanding of its commands and of image editing concepts.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about your favorite Focus Photoeditor features?
Francesco Savastano: My favorite features are the automatic corrections. Personally speaking, I use them all the time on my photos or pictures and I never regret the way the software modifies them.

FW Editor: It is Focus Photoeditor a viable alternative for Adobe Photoshop users?
Francesco Savastano: Well, this question is quite tricky. Photoshop is a high-end, high-priced editor and it surely has no rivals speaking in crude terms about features, but it is one of the most difficult to use and expensive software in the market. When it comes to photo correction, Focus Photoeditor will do around 80% of what Photoshop can achieve, but in a much easier way. I do not believe that the extra 20% of features are something most users cannot live with, but some high-end professionals will find them useful to finish their work and comply to certain high-end standards.

FW Editor: Is there any full customer support service for Focus Photoeditor clients?
Francesco Savastano: We are currently offering standard support by email. Our support is very quick and responsive. But we are going to improve that by opening a registered users forum and ticket support system soon.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to Focus Photoeditor users?
Francesco Savastano: I would like to thank them for using our software first of all and to keep giving us their precious words of encouragement and tips on how to improve the software, because this is what we value the most.

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