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  NexPixel LLC
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Most Downloaded Software: PM Animation
Most Famous Software: PM Animation
Total Software Listed: 3
Website: http://www.nexpixel.com/
June Downloads:0

An interview with NexPixel LLC

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
NexPixel LLC: Our plan or objective is to make more cost effective software products with low cost and easy to use functions so everyone can use the products.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for PM Animation? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
NexPixel LLC: A about a year ago.

FW Editor: What do you like the most at PM Animation? Why?
NexPixel LLC: Easy of use wit no learning curve and extended functions for animation creation.

FW Editor: How do you plan to improve PM Animation in the future? Are you intending to incorporate new features, a new interface or new animation tools?
NexPixel LLC: We would like first to stabilize PM Animation by testing and eliminating bugs. Then we would like to add more features such as more image filters and scripting languages for creating animation.

FW Editor: PM Animation is a great application and personally I love it. However, there are still many people who prefer to use similar software. What can you tell to convince them that PM Animation is better?
NexPixel LLC: PM Animation is a cross platform software so it works on all major OS systems. Its intuitive interface is so easy to work with and it's probably the only software that fully uses animated gif as painting tool to create animation contents. It's cost effect and comes with a large set of image effect filters for creation of animation contents.

FW Editor: How can you describe PM Animation in just a few words? Why?
NexPixel LLC: An effective animation creation tool for everyone to create animated gif and Flash animation.

FW Editor: . Do you offer full customer support service for PM Animation clients? If not, do you plan to create one in the future?
NexPixel LLC: Yes, we offer full customer support service via email only.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to the PM Animation users?
NexPixel LLC: Starting use PM Animation and you won't disappoint.

About this interview

PM Animation 1.0.17
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Raid - NexPixel LLC 1.0.6
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Raid 1.0.6
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PM Animation

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