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  No Magic, Inc.
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Publisher Description

No Magic Inc. is a Wyoming Corporation, the vendor of the award winning software modeling tool MagicDraw. The company operates worldwide and it has development centers in EU (Kaunas, Lithuania) and Thailand (Bangkok). Next to the product line, No Magic Inc. provides professional services to corporate clients in the United States, Europe and Asia. Good communication between seller and customer is essential for No Magic Inc. and because of that, the company developed a powerful assistance platform, assisting their clients in all or part of the full life cycle of software projects - design, development, testing, documentation, installation and training.

Most Downloaded Software: MagicDraw UML
Most Famous Software: MagicDraw UML
Total Software Listed: 1
Website: http://www.nomagic.com/
June Downloads:3

MagicDraw UML 17.0.4
Jun Downloads: 3  Votes: 0 ↑

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MagicDraw UML

Jun Downloads: 3  Votes: 0 ↑

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