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PESoft motto:
Simple = Efficient

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PESoft is mainly dedicated to technical tools development for Call Centers, Help Desks, Technical Support.

Most Downloaded Software: TinyResMeter
Most Famous Software: TinyResMeter
Total Software Listed: 3
Website: http://pesoft.com/
Services: development; support; software;
June Downloads:0

An interview with Pierre-Emmanuel

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Create some tools for Google Android smartphones.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for TinyResMeter? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Started long time ago near year 2K since a small tool I used a lot on Win9x didn't work anymore on Win2K so I decided to make one but adding a lot of features.

FW Editor: TinyResMeter is a great tool and we love it. Can you tell us more about the concept behind it?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Small & efficient that is, but surely not "graphically attractive", I like to produce small sized "portable" zero install tools but I am not a designer.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve TinyResMeter? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Add a few new fields especially some that can retrieve and display external information produced on web pages or by foreign applications, permit more field's customization.

FW Editor: TinyResMeter has quite a strong competition but, so far, it succeeded in making a name for itself. What do you think about this huge TinyResMeter success?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Small screen space size , small EXE size, small resources...all "Tiny".

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using TinyResMeter over any other similar product?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Smaller EXE, smaller screen space usage.

FW Editor: What kind of system information is displayed by TinyResMeter?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Tons, especially very useful TopCPU, TopMem, TopDisk to instantly detect which app is eating system resources.

FW Editor: It is safe to use TinyResMeter?
Pierre-Emmanuel: 100%, TinyResMeter do not install any file in system directory nor write something into registry (except for auto-run).

FW Editor: Do you have any message for TinyResMeter users?
Pierre-Emmanuel: Enjoy TinyResMeter.

About this interview

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