FW Editor: Hi, can you tell us how old are you and when have you started developing programs for general usage?
Roberto Alemán: I have a 36 year old, in the late 90's, I met my first BASIC programming language and perhaps the first with which many have begun to provide solutions to everyday problems that require automation of calculations, then the FORTRAN University, but initially did not study computer science, was a student of chemical engineering, then let the studies and plunged into the world of computing.
FW Editor: Auto CMS looks like a great program. How did you come up with the idea for such a program?
Roberto Alemán: As a member of PHPclasses.org, one of the free software community bigger, serious and oldest in the world, originally published AutoCMS as a PHP class, and as put in your description, can generate a website using a content management system (CMS ) in the smallest space, speed and ease of use as possible, the idea was in response to customers often asked me web sites and although current CMS's own harvest and can provide solutions to customer needs, often they are not having the project budget by not having enough money, in this case CMS Auto them could have a website at low cost and easy to use.
FW Editor: This is not the first program of this kind and probably not the last. How do you think Auto CMS is different than the other managers of web content?
Roberto Alemán: True, it is neither the first nor the last, but in a community where there phpclasses.org more than 6000 software packages published was considered innovative in 2009, remaining in second place in the month of nomination, after 4 versions released , I added the considerations of those who write to me offering ideas on how to improve it. But what is the difference? Do not use database and store data in files .php as constants extremadadamente makes fast, compliant with W3C standards, remains the main code as small as possible, and have focused increasingly make it easier handle for the user who has no great knowledge of the Internet.
FW Editor: Why should people use Auto CMS? Besides the fact it is a free program, why is this program better than the others?
Roberto Alemán: Well, first is free, and free is good:) but in this case, if you are a php programmer and want to learn and explore downloads ... if you're an end user to download and install it, and even more, if you are a provider of websites, you can use them as a solution for Internet presence to your customers, not necessarily be used as downloads, though it I also placed some free designs, download it and modified to your taste ... but in any case you would have a website with the minimum requirements for a presence on the Internet in less than 5 minutes and that's something few CMS can offer ... and I think that these are among the main attractions .....
FW Editor: Can you tell us when did you start working at this program? Do you think it will ever be finished? Or will you always find something to add to it?
Roberto Alemán: It was published in July 2009 on the website www.phpclasses.org, I do not stop firing versions of the same, so far every six months receive a general update, and lately I've thought reconfigured so it can detect modules that can be created, so it could expand its characteristics indefinitely.
FW Editor: If someone decides to use your program and then you decide to update it, how can that person find the update?
Roberto Alemán: The Home Page of AutoCMS is www.ventics.com/autocms, there are links to download the latest version or earlier, if you have any questions can email me from there and happy to answer them until now save data to a file , but the ease of the software allows the site to be supported with just an FTP session to the site where it was installed and fully download the user's PC, then do a clean install and upload the data arcihvo the new facility.
FW Editor: Thanks for your time! Anything more you want to add for our readers?
Roberto Alemán: I am currently working on Auto CMS 2.0 , it will have new functionalities very important and interesting, including the ability to upload and install language packs, plug ins, store pictures and also you will begin
to store data in formats XML, creating an xml file for each new section, in addition to a software installer.
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