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  Roger Meier
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Website: http://freeware.the-meiers.org/
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An interview with Roger Meier

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives for the near future?
Roger Meier: I have quite a few ideas for new freeware products, and I hope to find the time in the near future to realize at least some of them. I also get occasional feature suggestions from users which, if possible, I hope to be able to implement.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for BatchTouch? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Roger Meier: BatchTouch, like most of my other freeware apps, came to life out of necessity. It fulfills a task for which I was unable to find a good tool elsewhere. I am planning on enhancing my current apps as well as developing new ones, as time permits.

FW Editor: Developing a new application requires a lot of time and hard work. How hard was for you to create something like BatchTouch?
Roger Meier: The initial implementation of a concept like BatchTouch is usually not the hardest part, and in most cases, it doesn't take an enormous amount of time to get something up and running for a proof of concept. What takes the most amount if time, however, is the refinement, testing, and the effort to bring it to a level such that it works reliably and can be released to the broader public.

FW Editor: BatchTouch comes with many interesting features and options. What is the thing you love the most at BatchTouch?
Roger Meier: I'm always a fan of drag-and-drop, and I'm trying to make my tools as easy to use as possible. Drag-and-drop is more intuitive, and it is quicker than having to use file dialog to navigate to files and folders. BatchTouch allows that.

FW Editor: Is there anything that you don't like at BatchTouch? Maybe something you think it could be better or something that is missing?
Roger Meier: Currently, BatchTouch does everything I need it to do. Thus, I don't think it is missing anything at the moment. However, this may change. I often get feature suggestions from users that are quite good, and many of these find their way into my apps in later releases.

FW Editor: BatchTouch is becoming more and more popular. Did you ever expected to be that successful?
Roger Meier: I never have high expectations for any of my apps. This is a hobby for me, and I primarily write these apps for my self. I'm always happy to learn when others find my work useful. Some of my apps become more popular than others. BatchTouch seems to be one them, which is great. I'm glad I was able to make useful contribution.

FW Editor: Is there any Customer Support service for BatchTouch users?
Roger Meier: There is an e-mail address (support@the-meiers.org) that can be used for feedback, questions, suggestions, etc, but I can't guarantee timely responses. Like I mentioned before, this is merely a hobby for me. My family and my day job have priority over my hobby. I do strive to answering all e-mails, but it just may take a while. I also have online forums (http://forums.the-meiers.org) that users can visit to find answers.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to BatchTouch users?
Roger Meier: Thanks for using BatchTouch. I'm glad you find it useful. Feedback, suggestions, etc, are always appreciated. Please send your comments to support@the-meiers.org

About this interview

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