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Most Downloaded Software: SciLor's Java Grooveshark Downloader
Most Famous Software: SciLor's Java Grooveshark Downloader
Total Software Listed: 3
Website: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/6064649/
July Downloads:4

An interview with SciLor

FW Editor: Hello, please tell us some info about yourself. How old are you and when did you start developing programs?
SciLor: Hey, first of all, thank you for this interview! I am in my early twenties and started coding when I was about 12. About me? I like everything that has to do with technology, computers, phones, cars etc. I am always searching for new challenges on this ground.

FW Editor: How were you able to bypass Grooveshark and give users the opportunity to download music, free, via Grooveshark?
SciLor: I wouldn't call it bypass. I am just behaving a little like the Grooveshark.com Website. Everything started with an app for Windows Mobile called Groovefish by Barguast about one and a half year ago. The app allowed you to listen to songs on Grooveshark with your Windows Mobile device. Once a while Grooveshark changed their website and due to the developer was to busy I reverse engineered the application and wrote fixes for it. The initial developer liked that and gave me the source to continue his work (under the name GrooveMobile). Then came questions to save the songs to save bandwidth on the phones. So I created an app that allowed to save the songs for Windows Mobile and later on for Windows. I recreated the Grooveshark API later on my own to have my own clean code. Later on I started learning Java, and so many asked for a Android App, so I ported my code to Java and then here it was, an app for Android. Some asked for a downloader for Mac and Unix systems so I also created a Java Downloader for Desktop systems.

FW Editor: How long have you worked on this program until now? I know it is currently under development, how is the work going?
SciLor: I cannot count the hours, many endless nights when my girlfriend was sleeping, an hour here an hour there. My projects are my hobby so I spent any time I have for it, beside my job and very important beside my honey! Currently I am very busy with my job and other small projects I am also in. So there isn't much time for it. Sorry :(

FW Editor: What is the feature that you are the most proud of in this program? What can you tell us about how we can create our own downloading lists?
SciLor: I am proud that I ported my .net source to java, that's it ;)

FW Editor: What other features are you planning to add to the final version of this program?
SciLor: A GUI is the most important thing I am wanting to add. But this needs time that I currently do not have.

FW Editor: Is this the only program that you are currently working? Please tell us something more about your work until now and maybe give us some insides about your future plans.
SciLor: I have many projects, too many ;). I have got mobile projects like GrooveMobile, the GrooveDownloaderWM, a Multitouch API, a Fuel Tracker, a Launchy Clone and Games like Chameleon TicTacToe, QuickTap, Bubble Crusher... There are also many projects existings for Desktop systems, mainly Windows like the Grooveshark.com Downloader, a Battlefield Heores Launcher, a Battlefield Play4Free Launcher etc... You ask about future plans? I am doing what my users want, is possible in a reasonable span of time and of course the skill gain it may bring. Currently I am planing to create a Grooveshark Application for the PS3, but I am lacking of time. Just check out my website for all my projects :).

About this interview

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SciLor's Java Grooveshark Downloader

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