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  SeoQuake Team
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SeoQuake Team began its work in the field of search engine marketing in the late 90-ies. The most famous product of this company is Seoquake - a popular SEO extension for Mozilla Firefox. The company main goal is to create useful and user-friendly tools and services for search marketing and web mastering.

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Website: http://www.seoquake.com/
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An interview with SeoQuaker

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
SeoQuaker: To improve our main project - SeoQuake. We plan to keep working on it. Also we think about developing something new - internet service for SEO's, but we haven't decided on what it should be exactly yet.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Seoquake? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
SeoQuaker: We started the work on SeoQuake for our own needs in the beginning of 2000s. Our users inspired us to make it better. Of course we have a lot of ideas what to do, but not enough hands to put them all into action, so we now are focused on making stable versions for all our existing projects.

FW Editor: How can Seoquake improve the SEO parameter?
SeoQuaker: SeoQuake is a tool that helps you to determine the causes of SEO success of your competitors.

FW Editor: What are your plans with Seoquake? Do you intend to improve it in the future?
SeoQuaker: Actually, we would like to help our users to write new custom parameters for it and use it's preferences better. Maybe we should redesign it's preferences section.. the idea is that only a few users know about all SeoQuake functions.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using Seoquake over any other similar product?
SeoQuaker: 1. it's free 2.SeoQauke is a truly customizable tool. You can write your own parameters to check, you can easily redesign it and so on. You can even fully re-develop it - because it's open-source project. 3. It has a lot of users (more than 1 mln downloads) so there is a community. 4. it has A LOT of functions. 5. It works on sites, it works in Google SERP, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu and some other search engines - which other products rarely support.

FW Editor: Is Seoquake for Mozilla Firefox only or it can be used on various internet browsers?
SeoQuaker: The FireFox version is the best so far. There was also IE version - but it was closed. There is an experimental version for Safari. And here is a Chrome version (it's good enough already)

FW Editor: Is there any customer support service for Seoquake users?
SeoQuaker: Of course - please email us - mail@seoqauketeam.com - we are ready to answer all your questions. Also you can use feedback form at our site - seoquake.com

FW Editor: Thank you for this interview. Seoquake is a great application and we love it. We are looking forward to see how things are going to evolve.
SeoQuaker: Thank you!

About this interview

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