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  Stratopoint Software
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Most Downloaded Software: Cleanerzoomer
Most Famous Software: Cleanerzoomer
Total Software Listed: 6
Website: http://www.stratopoint.com
Services: image noise reduction; image enlargement; file cataloguing; directory printing;
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An interview with Andrey Pivovarov

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Andrey Pivovarov: Since Stratopoint Software is actually a tiny one-man business, and my income from it is tiny as well, all I can say is that I will surely continue developing my the flagship products: Cleanerzoomer and PrintFolders.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for Cleanerzoomer? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Andrey Pivovarov: It started as an experimental program called "JPEG Artifacts Remover", which was later rewritten from scratch, retaining only the very idea of the algorithm. In those years both I and my brother were very interested in developing software, so that was our source of inspiration: the pure interest. Currently I don't plan to create any new software, just to continue optimizing the current ones.

FW Editor: What are the differences between Cleanerzoomer Standard and Cleanerzoomer Professional?
Andrey Pivovarov: The professional version has two additional features: batch processing and the console (command line) interface, as well as the license allowing commercial usage of the program.

FW Editor: What new features should we expect in Cleanerzoomer in the future? Do you plan to improve it?
Andrey Pivovarov: I plan to add separate sets of presets for different cameras, the crop/rotate function (which is already written but has no GUI yet), the "motion blur" removal mode in Sharpen as well as some minor improvements, such as the optional smaller toolbar buttons.

FW Editor: What makes Cleanerzoomer so powerful? Why it is better than other similar products?
Andrey Pivovarov: The algorithm Cleanerzoomer uses can be called a simple kind of general artificial intelligence (that also explains why it is so slow), the very idea of it is to separate details from noise in the same way the human brain does it: using deductive comparison.

FW Editor: Cleanerzoomer is a great application and personally I love it. However, there are still many people who prefer to use similar software. What can you tell to convince them that Cleanerzoomer is better?
Andrey Pivovarov: Cleanerzoomer is slow and not so simple as other similar tools, it often takes more in-deep tweaking to achieve the results it is actually able to produce, all that surely makes it a professional tool, hardly suitable for point-and-shooters.

FW Editor: Can Cleanerzoomer fix any photo error or blur that may appear on a photo as a zoom in effect?
Andrey Pivovarov: No, currently it can't fix motion blur.

FW Editor: Is there any full customer support service for Cleanerzoomer clients? If not, do you plan to create one in the future?
Andrey Pivovarov: I try to respond all emails as soon as possible. Currently I can't provide live chat or phone support.

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about the idea behind Cleanerzoomer? What made you believe that a software like Cleanerzoomer was necessary?
Andrey Pivovarov: As I've already said, is was just a successful experiment that impressed me with its results. I just thought someone, like myself, would need such an application and started to work on the full-scale version, using the algorithmic approach I've discovered.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to Cleanerzoomer users?
Andrey Pivovarov: Since the version 4.01 I have removed all the limitations from the trial version of Cleanerzoomer, now everyone is able try all of its features for free, but it doesn't mean the software has become freeware. Please, don't forget the developer behind it and buy the full version!

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