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  TNT SoftWorks
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Most Downloaded Software: Windows IP Changer
Most Famous Software: TNT Reminders
Total Software Listed: 5
Website: http://tntsoftworks.dyndns.org/
May Downloads:2

An interview with Tom McGinnis

FW Editor: Can you tell us more about yourself? Do you develop applications alone or do you work in a team?
Tom McGinnis: TNT SoftWorks is a small team of developers. We seem to work on private projects that are requested through our site. When time allows, small projects are developed.

FW Editor: How does Windows IP Changer really work? How is it able to change your IP address?
Tom McGinnis: Windows IP Changer works through TCP/IP configuration settings native to the Visual Studio development program.

FW Editor: How is the local and wireless buttons work? What function do they have?
Tom McGinnis: Local and wireless buttons are used to quickly and easily toggle the network connections on and off. (enabled/disabled) Parts of this program were developed by a customer through our website.

FW Editor: What programs did you use to make this application?
Tom McGinnis: We use Visual Studio 2008 for the main development. Icons and other visual designs are created using Gimp shop.

FW Editor: This is not the only program with his functions on the market. What do you think people should buy it? What`s it special thing?
Tom McGinnis: Windows IP Changer is easy to use, always being improved and compatible with Windows XP Pro/ Windows XP Home or Windows 7.

About this interview

Windows IP Changer 2.0
May Downloads: 2  Votes: 0 ↑
TNT Reminders 1.2.1
May Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑
TNT Post Its 2.0.0
May Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑
TNT SoftWorks Web Browser 1.5.1
May Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑
Email My IP 2.9
May Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑

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Windows IP Changer

May Downloads: 2  Votes: 0 ↑

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