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Most Downloaded Software: DataRecovery
Most Famous Software: DataRecovery
Total Software Listed: 4
Website: http://tokiwa.qee.jp/EN/dr.html
May Downloads:2

An interview with TOKIWA

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
TOKIWA: To make more usefull freeware.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for DataRecovery? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
TOKIWA: There was no freeware to recover files when I deleted some files by mistake several years ago. That's when I started writing the code. That's when I

FW Editor: DataRecovery is one of the best files recovery software from the market. What is the secret?
TOKIWA: Make it small and simple.

FW Editor: Is there anything you would like to change in DataRecovery? There are some extra features that you may like to have? Is there anything that is not working as intended and you are planning to remove it?
TOKIWA: DataRecovery is almost completed. I think there is nothing to add or remove. Any suggestion to improve it is appreciated all the same.

FW Editor: DataRecovery has quite a strong competition but, so far, it succeeded in making a name for itself. Are you surprised by this huge success?
TOKIWA: Not a huge success at all.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using DataRecovery over any other similar product? What makes DataRecovery so powerful?
TOKIWA: It is free and does what it says it does.

FW Editor: How can you describe DataRecovery in just one word? Why?
TOKIWA: DataRecovery. That's exactly what it is.

FW Editor: What is your favorite DataRecovery feature and why?
TOKIWA: No need to install. In addition you can carry it anywhere with its small size.

FW Editor: DataRecovery is totally free and this is an amazing thing. As far as I understood, users can make a small donation. How can we do that?
TOKIWA: By Paypal in the downloade page, users can donate.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to DataRecovery users?
TOKIWA: Just try it, before you spend some money to buy other recovery software. There is nothing to lose.

About this interview

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