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Most Downloaded Software: Internet Explorer Collection
Most Famous Software: Internet Explorer Collection
Total Software Listed: 3
Website: http://utilu.com/
October Downloads:1

An interview with Mark

FW Editor: Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox is a simple application that automatically installs Mozilla Firefox. Why a user would install Mozilla Firefox when he already has Internet Explorer installed by default?
Mark: Internet Explorer is installed by default in Windows, but Internet Explorer isn't a good browser, it's not even a web browser, because Internet Explorer doesn't comply with the official web standards. This results in incorrect rendering of many websites and/or (partly) non-working websites. Also Internet Explorer is closed source and much larger and slower than web browsers. But the most important reason not to use Internet Explorer is that it contains a lot of severe security vulnerabilities. This was the reason for security researchers like the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, to recommend switching to a web browser, like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Opera. Because Microsoft has a dominant market position with their Windows Operating System web developers were forced to make additional versions of their websites, specifically designed Internet Explorer sites for every version of Internet Explorer. This undermined competition and innovation and increased the costs and the amount of (otherwise unnecessary) work it took web developers to build websites. Because of these reasons it's important that people don't use Internet Explorer but Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera or any other standards compliant web browser.

FW Editor: It is possible to upgrade an older Mozilla Firefox version to a newer one using Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox?
Mark: Yes, it's possible to upgrade an older Mozilla Firefox version to a newer one using Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox, after approval it will automatically download and install the latest version of Mozilla Firefox on top of the current (old) installation. This could be useful if you experience problems with the internal updater of Mozilla Firefox.

FW Editor: There are situations (especially in companies) when a computer user doesn't have the required rights to download and install a software. What happens if that user tries to use Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox?
Mark: It will always work, even under the most restricted user accounts: if the rights of the user running Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox are not sufficient enough Firefox won't be installed, but only extracted to a temporary directory. The user won't notice the difference because Firefox is started immediately and will be fully functional.

FW Editor: It is possible to download and install Mozilla Firefox without any Internet Explorer version installed in user computer?
Mark: Yes. Installing Mozilla Firefox doesn't need anything at all, so it doesn't require Internet Explorer or anything else. However Firefox can optionally import existing settings from Internet Explorer. An import wizard will run when you install Firefox (and is also available later), which can import (copy to Firefox) your Favorites, preferences, history, cookies, stored passwords and a variety of other data. Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded on many ways, you don't specifically need Internet Explorer.

FW Editor: Can you tell us a few things about Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox functionality? Who can use Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox? Is Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox a suitable application for both home and office computers?
Mark: Anyone can use Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox. It's suitable for both home and office computers, and since it doesn't ask the user difficult questions nor shows technical information and gives no complicated error messages any user running Windows can use Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox.

FW Editor: It is possible to set various installation options for Mozilla Firefox like: installation folder, language, make Firefox the default browser, create a profile, etc?
Mark: Yes, the installation is fully customizable and can be completely automated. You can set installation options by entering one or more parameters. You can find all installation options in the Frequently Asked Questions.

About this interview

Internet Explorer Collection
Oct Downloads: 1  Votes: 0 ↑
Utilu Silent Setup for Mozilla Firefox
Oct Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑
Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection
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Internet Explorer Collection

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