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An interview with Dan Chartrand

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Dan Chartrand: We continue to focus on improving VueMinder Calendar, based on customer feedback and requests. The next big updates we have planned are to add multi-language support and improve how tasks work in the Pro version.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for VueMinder? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Dan Chartrand: We started developing VueMinder around the beginning of 2008. Our inspiration came from a number of sources, but mostly based on the question, "How can we make reminders interesting and fun?" The result was the initial release of VueMinder, which allowed popup reminders to contain pictures, music, videos, web pages, etc. We continue to improve and enhance VueMinder, which is our current focus for development. However, we do have plans to eventually branch out with additional software titles.

FW Editor: From your point of view, which is the best feature of VueMinder Calendar? Why?
Dan Chartrand: We absolutely love the semi-transparent desktop calendar. It's fully interactive and blends into whatever desktop background picture you have. The desktop calendar gives a nice, quick overview of your schedule and upcoming events. It also couples with all of VueMinder's other impressive features, such as instant Google Calendar syncing. Nothing beats being able to see your synced Google Calendar directly on your desktop, without having to open a web browser.

FW Editor: How is
Dan Chartrand: We offer an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. We also work with our customers, in the event they are unhappy with their purchase. The vast majority of our customers are extremely happy with VueMinder, even recommending it to their friends and coworkers. We feel the money-back guarantee helps give our perspective customers the additional confidence to make their purchase, and it has worked very well for us, with over 99.6% of customers never asking for a refund.

FW Editor: What can you tell us about VueMinder Calendar and VueMinder Calendar Pro versions? What are the differences?
Dan Chartrand: Their are 3 versions: Lite (free), Pro, and Enterprise. The free Lite version is a scaled-down, but still fully functional version of Pro. It lacks some of the more sophisticated features found in Pro, such as instant 2-way Google Calendar sync, Outlook sync, calendar sharing over a local network, and email/SMS reminders. For a typical home user with limited needs, the Lite version is more than sufficient. The Enterprise version is functionally the same as Pro, but licensed for an entire "site" instead of individual users. This helps larger companies acquire the software for a lower cost per seat.

FW Editor: How would you describe VueMinder Calendar in one single word?
Dan Chartrand: Intuitive

FW Editor: Is there any customer support service for the VueMinder Calendar users?
Dan Chartrand: Absolutely. We proudly stand behind VueMinder Calendar, and offer our customers free, unlimited customer support. We respond to all support inquiries within 24 hours, including nights and weekends. We also provide support to Lite version users, although Pro and Enterprise users obviously have priority.

FW Editor: Is there anything you would like to say to those that are not using VueMinder Calendar yet? How can you convince them that VueMinder Calendar is the best option?
Dan Chartrand: This is a great question, and one we ask ourselves daily. It's very difficult to promote software that is in a market that is already heavily saturated. Not only that, but we're also competing against programs like Outlook and Google Calendar. Many people don't even realize there our other, much better, calendar programs available (such as VueMinder!). When you're so used to your calendar program of choice, why switch? The answer is, of course, because the world moves on, and while programs like Outlook have done an adequate job for the past decade or more, there are other fresh ideas out there in how to better manage your schedule. Case in point: In VueMinder, if you accidentally dismiss a reminder, simply press Ctrl+Z to undo the dismissal. You can't do that in other calendar programs, and that feature alone is such as tremendous time saver. Once we get past the hurdle of convincing a person to try VueMinder Calendar, they usually never look back at their old calendar program. If you're on the fence, debating whether you should try VueMinder, we'd say just give it a shot. You'll be blown away at how many thoughtful, innovative features we've incorporated. You'll also find the software is very easy to use, especially if you're accustomed to Outlook. The learning curve is very slight, and there's very detailed help documentation available in case you get stuck.

FW Editor: To end with, is there any message you would like to send to VueMinder users?
Dan Chartrand: To our current users, we'd like to send a huge thanks. It has been your feedback, advice, and suggestions that have molded VueMinder into the excellent product it is today. And to our potential future customers, please give VueMinder a try. You won't be disappointed!

About this interview

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