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  Weissman Orli
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Most Downloaded Software: Shay
Most Famous Software: Shay
Total Software Listed: 1
Website: http://www.schoolupgrade.com
October Downloads:0

An interview with Weissman Orli

FW Editor: Hello, to start, please tell us some things about you so our readers may get to know the developer of Shay.
Weissman Orli: Shay R.L.S Software Systems Ltd. was founded in early 2007 by a team of experienced professionals who share a passion for building software solutions for educational organizations, based on the latest advancements in the field of computer science and management.

FW Editor: Why did you decide to build a program for school time tables? Where did you come up with the idea for this?
Weissman Orli: We all share a vision, by which the school administrative staff can be empowered, using proper tools and training, to meet the challenges of designing and managing school resources effectively. The collaboration with educators and school principals who have acquired rich experience in this field is the main source of our inspiration and the fuel that drives our creativity. Dealing with a large variety of organizations with diverse needs has shown us that our vision can be realized with great amount of success. We regard the efforts invested by us in these products as our humble way to contribute to the educational system.

FW Editor: This is not the first program that does this. Why should people buy Shay? How is this different form the other programs that build school time tables?
Weissman Orli: We believe that our program is more friendly and easy to use than other tools available. We provide a complete solution for the school managment in a variety of tools such as for comparing timetable versions, manging school timetable events during the school semester and displaying timetable information in the school web site and billboards. We allow importing data easily and exporting the timetable as HTML document.

FW Editor: Can you tell us how Shay really works? How is it able to take the resources and make a great time table for schools?
Weissman Orli: There is no magic solution for school timetable scheduling - many experienced timetablers know this and prefere doing the job manually. We have managed to incorperate several unique tools based on advanced algorithms that are able to derive the scheduling priority and perform automatic scheduling. We belive that the school timetable should be constructed in a multi level process under the user supervision. We have described this method in several articled we've published in our site.

FW Editor: At the moment, this program only works for Windows operating systems. Do you plan to make it work on other operating systems as well? Many schools use UNIX servers or Mac computers.
Weissman Orli: There is no current plan to transform the program to other platforms.

FW Editor: What other programs have you developed and you are proud of? Do you have some plans for the future to develop other interesting programs?
Weissman Orli: We continue developing other tools that deal with school timetable. In the future we'll provide such tools for other organizations such as hospitals, etc.

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