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Most Downloaded Software: My Virtual Girlfriend
Most Famous Software: My Virtual Girlfriend
Total Software Listed: 2
Website: http://www.myvirtualgirlfriendgame.com/
July Downloads:2

An interview with mike Amerson

FW Editor: Players can interact with hundreds of beautiful women in My Virtual Girlfriend. Do you plan to add even more 3D girls in the future?
mike Amerson: Yes! We have some really big plans coming up that will actually allow for limitless girls. incorporating face mapping technology to allow the user to import their own photos from their camaera or photo library.

FW Editor: What is the final goal in My Virtual Girlfriend?
mike Amerson: The final goal is to have such a refined product that it gets listed in the top 10 of the app store. Aside from that, we with to continually refine the product and make a virtual boyfriend too. We are starting on that now, It has been often suggested by the large female audience we have.

FW Editor: My Virtual Girlfriend doesn't contain nudity. Is that correct?
mike Amerson: Correct. There is no nudity in the game. Apple has a strict policy on adult content (which includes nudity), It's simply not allowed. We are a game that does walk right up to the line with their rules by including lingerie, but we are careful not to step over the line. It is rated 17+ due to the mature themes in the game and some mild profanity. It is designed with the the casual adult in mind.

FW Editor: My Virtual Girlfriend is extremely successful and it received numerous awards and positive reviews. Are you happy with this outstanding success?
mike Amerson: Yes! We are very happy with it's success and greatful to every person that downloads and plays it. When it was first released, it wasn't as refined. People would write and give suggestions and feedback. We internalized all this feedback and put it into action. After all, it is the end user that is "designing" the product and we (the developers) are the method that gets it where it needs to be. Because we are an indie developer, we respond to the fans of the game, they appreciate that someone listens, and we appreciate them for supporting us. It is a unique dynamic.

FW Editor: My Virtual Girlfriend looks like a combination between a dating website and a sim game (like The Sims). What inspired you in developing My Virtual Girlfriend?
mike Amerson: I was actually inspired by igirl. I seen that in the app store one day and thought to myself, we can do much better than that. It is a simple novetly app with 3d models that don't do anything. Why not add some gameplay functionality and interaction? Instead of having 1 girl that switches outfits, why not hundreds of girls? We do this on pc and console games all the time. So the juices started flowing and i kicked out a design document within 2 weeks. I presented it to my partner and he loved the idea so we put the plan in motion.

FW Editor: Can a player actually 'lose' in My Virtual Girlfriend? If yes, what happens then? He must restart the entire game?
mike Amerson: Yes. if a player does something the girl doesn't like, respond incorrectly to her statement or do an activity she doesnt enjoy - he loses points with her. There are some indications of this. The heart meter on the right and the girls mood goes down. She gets upset, her posture is slumped, her dialoge becomes sad or sarcastic. If the player stays in this type of funk with the girl long enough she will leave him. At which point he will have to start the game over with a new girl via the matchmaking process.

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My Virtual Girlfriend 1.80
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My Virtual Girlfriend

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