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Most Downloaded Software: GoogleOzi
Most Famous Software: GoogleOzi
Total Software Listed: 2
Website: http://www.zubak.sk/GoogleOzi
September Downloads:0

An interview with Marián Zubák

FW Editor: Which image extensions are supported by GoogleOzi?
Marián Zubák: jpg, tif

FW Editor: GoogleOzi can save high resolution images. Is there any resolution limit?
Marián Zubák: there is 'bitmap' limit about 100-120 Mpx image size (cca 12000x12000)

FW Editor: The unregistered version allows you to save only one single map. Besides that, are there any other limitations?
Marián Zubák: no

FW Editor: It is possible for a user to select a certain map size? If yes, how can he do that?
Marián Zubák: yes, select map resolution, increasing resolution by one step makes 4x larger map size

FW Editor: It is possible to select only a certain map area and download it using GoogleOzi?
Marián Zubák: yes, select a rectangle area by mouse

FW Editor: Which internet browsers are supported by GoogleOzi? Are there any special software/hardware requirements in order to use GoogleOzi
Marián Zubák: it doesn't use browser or special hardware, just .net or mono installed

FW Editor: Besides GoogleOzi, is there any other project you are currently working on? Can you give us several
Marián Zubák: yes, there is TerraIncognita - it's enhanced replacement of GoogleOzi with many map sources and map formats exported. It offers better user interface, map selecting or switching between map sources. Try here http://www.zubak.sk/TerraIncognita

About this interview

GoogleOzi 1.0.5
Sep Downloads: 0  Votes: 0 ↑
Terra Incognita 2.24
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