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  Marco D`Amato
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Most Downloaded Software: WinContig
Most Famous Software: WinContig
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Website: http://wincontig.mdtzone.it/en/index.htm
September Downloads:1

An interview with Marco D`Amato

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?
Marco D`Amato: I'm continuously working on WinContig.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for WinContig? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?
Marco D`Amato: WinContig started as a personal project back in 2005. I developed a simple solution to satisfy my need to defragment files and folders on my hard disk. It turned out pretty good, so I invested my spare time on it and I offered WinContig as a product. Right now, my focus is on improving the application.

FW Editor: WinContig is one of the best defragmentation tools available. What is the secret?
Marco D`Amato: WinContig simply does what it's supposed to do: to defragment files and folders in a fast and reliable way without being loaded with unnecessary options.

FW Editor: Do you plan to improve or change WinContig in any way? If yes, how are you going to do that?
Marco D`Amato: I'm always working on improving WinContig. I'm planning on improving the interface and optimizing some algorithms.

FW Editor: WinContig has quite a strong competition but, so far, it succeeded in making a name for itself. What do you think about the huge WinContig success?
Marco D`Amato: What started as a personal project for myself turned into a widely used product. I'm glad so many users find WinContig useful for their purposes.

FW Editor: What are the advantages of using WinContig over any other similar product or over the standard Windows defragmentation tool?
Marco D`Amato: WinContig is a fast, completely freeware, portable, multi-language, reliable defragmenter software, while at the same time it's not bloated with useless features.

FW Editor: Is WinContig faster than Windows defragmentation tool?
Marco D`Amato: Absolutely yes.

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to WinContig users?
Marco D`Amato: I just want to say thanks to the users of WinContig for their support and ideas. Enjoy it.

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